I’ll be using this space as a thought log of sorts. I’ll post things about my day, updates on my career, and general bullshit I feel like writting about in here. Maybe I’ll log my progress on various projects, maybe I won’t. I’m probably severely NDA’d now that I think of it, so that may be out of the question. Anyways, new year, new resolutions. I think this year I’ll make one of my goals to write as much as I can about my thoughts and daily progressions of any kind. It could be fun to look back at the end of the year, or just later in life in general. Speaking of resolutions and goals, let’s list a few out now, shall we?
Write more
Finish designing Facebook Assistant’s attention system
Acquire some sort of pattent or aknowledgement or acheivement in design
Travel to 12 cities in 12 months with Nico
Make some time to learn design in Unity
Use less than 10 single-use plastic water bottles all year. (Ideally 0 water bottles, but >10 is more practical) It’s January 7th and I’m going strong at 0
Eliminate plastic bag usage from my life completely
Tint the god damned windows on my Tesla already
Work out at least 3 times a week
Dedicate an entire morning/afternoon/day to cleaning up a beach of all rubbish
That’s all I got. It’s 1am and I have work tommorow.